
Impressionism:Paintings Collected by European Museums

A Resource Packet for Educators
The High Museum of Art
The Seattle Art Museum
The Denver Art Museum


Impressionism: Paintings Collected by European Museums
is organized by the High Museum of Art, Atlanta, in
collaboration with the Denver Art Museum
and the Seattle Art Museum.

High Museum of Art, Atlanta
February 23 - May 16, 1999
In Atlanta, this exhibition is made possible by the
Katherine John Murphy Foundation and The Rich Foundation.
The exhibition is sponsored by Delta Airlines and NationsBank

Seattle Art Museum
June 12 - August 29, 1999
In Seattle, the exhibition is generously sponsored by:
Presenting Sponsor U S WEST
Additional funding provided by:
The Boeing Company
The Seattle Times
Starbucks Coffee Company
Kreielsheimer Exhibition Endowment
Seattle Art Museum Supporters(SAMS)
The Annual Fund

Denver Art Museum
October 2 - December 12, 1999
In Denver, the exhibition is
generously sponsored by U S WEST.
Additional funding is provided by
the Adolph Coors Foundation, the Denver Foundation,
and the citizens who support the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District.

We regret the omission of sponsors confirmed after December 31, 1998.

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